Saturday, January 27, 2018

End of the School Year Festivities

 It's hard to get so behind in my blogging.  These posts are my yearly photo album and with our smart phone cameras, capturing every little thing--I became overwhelmed with the documenting part.  So in a nutshell, these pictures all took place end of May 2017 to first days of summer in June. After a very rocky start for our Nessa Bessa, first grade ended successfully. She loved her teacher and she did well academically. This little girl has  heart for kindness, seeking out the lonely and bringing people together.

 These eighth grade girls are growing up into beautiful young ladies. It's so weird to drop them off and let them test out their independence slowly but surely. Giving them wings to fly but wanting them tethered close at the same time...awe, motherhood. Sweet, sweet motherhood!

 I finally got to go back to the horse races for a date day. What a nostalgic trip. It reminded me so much of the days there with my grandparents! Everything was more expensive, and gone was the day of betting with someone else's money...but for a second, I remembered that childhood joy that the horse races brought me.

 Memorial Day Ernie worked, but his side of the family planned a big barbecue at the beach. It was a lot of fun for the kids.  I loved watching them play catch and build sand castles with their cousins that they do not see nearly enough.
 Field trips were fun this year. I got to be a chaperone at every single one. I will always remember these days. Staying home and having the opportunity to be a part of my kids' lives has been life changing. This is and always would have been enough.
 International Day was an awesome compilation of dances all over the world. Our little hula dancer was my favorite!

 We went with our framily to Universal Studios.  It had been years for me!  This was another fun firsts with the not so little kids. Outings like this are so much easier now that they are grown--more expensive, but easier.

 Anthony was confirmed and made his first communion.  Ernie was his sponsor. So very proud of his commitmment to the Lord and living with integrity.  God has gifted us his presence in this home the last 4 years. Hard to believe college is looming in the near distance. . .
 And our beautiful Lene Bean is off to high school. Middle school was a breeze until a friend hiccup this year, but she handled herself with grace and was kind anyways. I am so proud of her heart and can't wait to see her amazing accomplishments in high school!
 Godly and gifted. That's our girl!
 Proud Parents
Summer months are here. Bring on the fun!

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