Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

How I try to start my days. . .
Good Morning Girls has changed my life.
For the first time, I am reading His word.
He is speaking to me and changing me as a result.
How I wish I had opened this beautiful book in my twenties.
How I hope to inspire and encourage my own kids to seek His word and seek Him 
in all that they do.

To those girls who dared to accompany me on this journey,
thank you.
All it took was an email sent to many and three responded. 
Like the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
He knew what I needed to build my relationship with Him and so He placed you all in my life for this reason.

This session we have added three girls to the group--I'm so excited to see how God's truth is revealed to them; what kind of changes occur in their lives simply because they were obedient.

In addition to our bible reading, we will be reading Sally Clarkson's The Ministry of Motherhood and I am so excited!
I'm just waiting to see what plans He reveals to me because ultimately I would like to do a book club of her other book--but the kind where we get together in person and discuss and watch her DVD...
Yes, I bought the DVD because I know eventually I will lead a group.
I'm not sure when or where or with whom, but eventually the opportunity will present itself and I will obey.

I love getting up in the morning to listen to Him speaking.
I don't think my life will ever be the same.
Such fullness.
So grateful.


  1. awesome! Your excitement is contagious.. I too am thrilled to be doing the Ministry of Motherhood Study. I will be leading my Mom's LifeGroup through this study online as well during our weekly gatherings.

    What is on the DVD?

    a latte of blessings & giggles

  2. How beautiful! Isn't it amazing how a day changes when you start it with Jesus? Part of seeking first the kingdom of God for me is going to involve reading my Bible before I turn on the computer! I know this will change how I view things.

  3. Thanks for you comment - this is changing my life! And I have to be super accountable as the one who emails my online group each morning. How sweet it has been to meditate on one verse all day, and how the verse will speak to me in so many ways!


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!