Immediately upon arrival home from Sea World, we unpacked, restocked the fridge, and cleaned the house. On what felt like the hottest day of the year, we were hosting another movie night. For months now, we have been trying to pinpoint a day where our families could get together and barbecue--so the date was set and the festivities would occur regardless of the excruciating heat.
Ernie did the yards and was dripping sweat. I was reminded, yet again of how grateful I am for such a wonderful husband. Driving home from our trip the night before, I prayed continuously for his safety as we trekked down his daily commute. I just kept thinking to myself, he drives this for us every. single. day. We are so blessed!
Gathering in this space, the one we almost moved away from, I was filled with such peace and contentment. It might be small but it is mighty with its love that is served here. It is a house in which we really do try to "praise the Lord." The walls are filled with inspiring scripture, and pictures of those loved ones whom we cherish. The space is limited, but I am always amazed at the people who show up to celebrate life in this small, sometimes cramped space. This particular evening was spent with two women who were in our wedding, and the memories we spoke of went back years and the laughs were many and the comfort sacred. Here we were, with all of our families bigger than when we were just couples dreaming of the families we would one day cherish. That day is here.
A new friend joined us. . .she and her husband are the hands and feet of Jesus, caregiving for small children who are not their own--their goal for these itty bitties? To shower them with love, and happy memories and to learn about their savior, Jesus. Inspiring, to say the least.
The kids were busy, the house was busting at the seams, the laughs were loud, the food a delicious delight. . .just another simple, summer evening in which I praise God for these friends, for this shelter, for this moment. And before we ate, we came together and joined hands giving thanks for each other, the good company, the provisions God has blessed us with. . .and I was reminded of the need for my kids to have these types of people in their life--a safety net because it truly does take a village. It does. And here in our living room--they stood. Our village.
We featsed in food and fellowship and then braved the heat after dark to watch The Lorax. It was a success! There was even a small breeze that made the dryness a little more tolerable.
I received some mighty praise for the magic genius of my whirly pop. It creates some tasty kettle corn! Some people may have laughed as I donned my grandma's apron and cranked the handle over and over and over again...but they sure came back for seconds. Happily.
The next day, Ernie called me into our son's room and said, "I can't believe we ever wanted to move." I knew what he meant. And that doesn't mean we will stay here forever, but we don't need more. We have what we need right here in this space. We do. We are fortunate enough to be surrounded by people who have faith in God, people who value family, and people who genuinely care about each other. That's it. That's all we will ever really need.
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship
with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all
sin."--1 John 1:7
"A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need."--Proverbs 17:17
I'm hopeful that more gatherings will occur as our kids are getting older and the need for a safety net with our friends becomes all the closer on my heart. Quite a good way to spend the second to the last weekend of summer!!
First, you are adorable in that apron! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm struggling with this right now... to stay where we DO have enough. But wanting to move to create something new... something exciting and fresh. We've never stayed in one place for long, and it will be 6 years in Oct that we've been in this house. Seems too long. But also feels stable. Our home.
Thank you friend: )
DeleteFirst off, you must remember we tried to move and obviously this time it wasn't in the plans for us: (
This doesn't mean I don't crave creating something new though. For us, I'm not sure where Ernie's job will ultimately lead us. While I have the job share this year--it makes sense to stay put. . .but once he is done with his apprentice program in October, I'm not so sure. Want to hear something crazy? There is a little part of me that craves country? I want the place where there aren't major shopping and food places on every single corner...Keep praying about it. I swear God made it quite clear this time, this place was not the right one for us. But where He shuts one door. . .another opens: ) The end of this summer for me was celebrating our home because in the whole thought of moving process I had forgotten to keep giving thanks. Lesson learned: )
Another year here means I can swing Portland. My Spring Break is the 8th, but I only work Mondays so I may be able to swing it even if our breaks are different:)