Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28, 2011

Last night Our oldest daughter was given an Honarable Mention by the Superintendent of our school district for a poster she made for the PTA's Reflection Program.  The theme was: Together We Can. . .They had a nice reception to honor all the winners.  I'm so happy that at a time when many districts our cutting their funding for the Arts, programs like this still exist. Remember only one picture makes the Project Life book--which one captures the evening best? Thanks!


  1. Anjalene and Daddy for the win!! Great pics!! Congrats, baby girl!

  2. I'd pick Anjalene and daddy too if he had even a hint of a smile on his mug! This was a happy occasion! I think 1 or 2 should make the cut. My little anjelene is beaming with pride!


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