Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 11, 2011

A glimpse into my week.

         To say this has been a rough week would be an understatement.  As you can see by the assortment of medications above, two of the three kids are sick.  Fevers have been coming and going this week, along with rosy red cheeks, and droopy eyelids, not to mention a croupe-like cough and so we are hoping they are on the mend.  We had grand plans this weekend and now I'm not so sure if they are going to happen.
       If only the medicine above that is intended to help make my kids feel better could work on my heart.  I am heart sick today because my Uncle died suddenly and I feel so sad for my Papa who is left behind.  My Uncle had a drinking problem...a big one.  There were many days where his alcoholism caused a ripple negative effect in all areas of his life, which then in turn effected the details of my Papa's life and our entire family who were at present time, practicing "tough love."  But none of those details matter to me because he is dead.  What he did in the past or didn't do, how much money he owes, and talking ill of him will get me nowhere. 
      He was my Papa's son.  He was my uncle and during most of my younger years I have very fond memories of him. He took me to my first concert: Oingo Boingo to be exact. I had fun days of working at a flower shop with him and we laughed and created.  In more recent years I looked forward to our baking sprees around the holidays and all the recipes he tweaked.  We talked and talked and I truly enjoyed him when he wasn't drinking.  I did. I loved him and he loved me-- in the end that's all that really matters. 


  1. So sorry to hear of your family's loss(es)Janene. We'll be thinking of you and your family. I hope the kids are feeling better soon as well.

  2. Well said daughter...You should share these words at his eulogy when the time comes.....

  3. All you've said is right on the mark. There's nothing else that needs to be said other than you loved him and he loved you. He jus had trouble loving himself enough...good for you janene.


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