Friday, February 25, 2011

February 25, 2011

Play Time

A Mock Wedding

Before Someone Got Hurt

The baby thinks, "Crazy kids.. ."

       Today my month was made when an out-of-town friend paid me a very unexpected visit.  What made it even better?  Her kids were with her and were full of hugs to hand out!  This is a friend whom I met in college.  We didn't exactly run in the same circle but somehow through the years a bond was formed and not even when she transferred to a college hours away did that change.  She is the type of friend I may not talk to every day but when we do it is like no time has passed at all.  I love that it's the same way with our kids.  They always begin wherever they left off without missing a beat.
       My happiness is now ginormous (I know you can appreciate my use of this word-wink!) due to the fact that my friends will be local soon enough!  Our kids have been brought up together for the most part and were only separated by distance over the last year and a half...and what a long couple of years it has been!  I miss our visits, our time at the park, our drop bys because we are in the neighborhood, our barbecues, and just the simple thought of knowing they are right there if I need them. The summer can not get here soon enough for me. . .I know they will miss the beach weather, but I promise to always bring popsicles!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to hear that their family will be back here locally among us soon...They are truly genuine friends who have really been missed!


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