Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 26, 2011

       Bubba needed a turn in the kitchen and I had some tear and bake chocolate chip cookies I had bought.  "Want to make cookies?" He nodded in excitement and ran to his room.  He came out carrying a large container of cookie cutters--not exactly the type of cookies I had in mind, but how could I tell him no?  His idea wasn't impossible, just more work than I really wanted to do.But this was our time together to spend how we might, so. . .
       I remembered seeing a recipe on Sally Clarkson's for shortbread cookies that I thought we would try.  Keep in mind much of this intentional time I'm trying to spend with each of my kids has really been reinforced with Clarkson's book Mission to Motherhood and was inspired by hearing her speak at the MomHeart conference a couple weeks ago.  Anyway, we made quite a mess of flour and powdered sugar but we got the dough rolled out and Jonathan was in cookie cutter heaven.  After we had a dozen to bake I let him have at the leftover dough and he created some sculpture type things and was trying to pat it out, flip it, and catch it on the spatula--I'm not really sure why but he was having fun.
       We frosted the cookies because Jonathan wasn't too impressed with shortbread.  He enjoyed licking the frosting and sprinkles off though--"the best part," he said!  Just another extraordinary moment in my daily life.  How blessed am I!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures brought a smile to my face & a fuzzy feeling in my heart! Flour splats all over him :) He's looks so into certainly caught the essence of your baking day!


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