Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18, 2011

Someone got a package in the mail today.  Can you tell she liked what she found?

Emphasis on the "Ooooooooooooohhhh"
How sweet is this message? 

And a book too!

Just to make sure the other kids didn't feel left out: they got mail too!
Thoughtfulness from afar is appreciated from this mama!!  She might be out of sight, but never out of our thoughts and prayers. . .we love Auntie Bee and can't wait until she is home again.  She got to hear the baby say, "Nina" via Skype and I send pictures and text messages to keep in touch.  I know she reads this blog and is helping to create the Project Life book by pointing out her favorite pictures...but it's just not the same without her here.  The thing I brother and her together, hanging out with us, enjoying the kids as they entertain us.  Let's face it--there's just not a lot of people you can do that with. They choose to spend time with us--all of all our chaos and craziness.  Even better?  They always come back for more!

1 comment:

  1. Aww I'm glad they liked everything. I Miss you guys so much I cant wait to see you all!!! Oh in the card I mean to say Love, Nina and Nino hehe... Sorry Alan!


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