Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13, 2011

After the yard sale, we kind of inherited this coffee table from my Papa. It was pretty beat up but I liked it for two reasons: no corners (which is why we haven't had a table there for years now) and it belonged to my Nana and Papa--so the sentimental value makes this piece pretty priceless. Although, E didn't completely agree he let me keep it. He complained about it a little bit, but as you can see--it also came in handy when it was time to play Legos with the son.
I' ve loved this Heirloom White spray paint introduced by this creative genius lemonademakinmama. I've fancied and scraped up many a picture frame hanging in the stairwell.    Since it's my Spring Break and the biggies are at school, I decided to try a little sanding and spraypainting yesterday in my backyard.  Don't worry E, I used the drop cloth this time. . .he cringes when I say the word spraypaint since we have an interesting cranberry color on our cement thanks to my last little project.

Anyways, after a few coats and some sandpaper. . .the above dark wood table with the black ink stain turned into this. . .

Not too shabby for a beginner. . .if I do say so myself.  I think I need to seal it-or something of the sort.  I need to finish my research but I like how it looks and my arms feel like they got a nice workout in the process.  Can't wait to see what I can do with the dresser I have in my garage.  That's a little too big to tackle over Spring will have to wait until Summer--Then I'll have pieces from my past upstairs and downstairs.  That makes me happy!

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Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!