Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28, 2011

Sometimes, girls just want to have fun!
Happy hour before "The Bridesmaid."
Meet Val.
She's my best friend--has been for twenty-two years.
We met on our first day of high school and have been friends ever since.
 We lived just a couple blocks from each other.
We began carpooling.
Her Dad would pick me up first because I was usually ready and she wasn't.
The three jokes I can recount to this day, I owe to her dad.
Val filled in the gaps for me.
Where as I was shy and quiet,
she was a little loud and dare I say--embarassing?
Where as I had to study my heart out, 
she didn't and generally did just as well if not better.
Where as I was stable and a girl of my word--
let's just say she was a little. . .flaky.
But never fail--she was full of fun. 
Always. Still is.
She is my first phone call of the day...really, the only friend I talk to on a regular basis.
Our daughters are a day apart. . . 
and her family has become my extended family too.
I've seen her cousins and nephews grow up. . .
and here we were at happy hour and the movies to celebrate her sister's birthday.
We placed our orders right before the cutoff despite most of the girls not being there and we even used--GASP!  A coupon. . .because we're cool like that.
Birthday girl is on the left. . .surrounded by family.
Anyways, after some appetizers we headed to the movies and had a few laughs.
Actually a lot of laughs.
I couldn't tell you what was funnier--the movie or my wise-cracking best friend.
As Wilson Philips would sing, "Hold on for one more day. . ."
(reference to the movie) 
We will get another girl's night out soon!!
We need to do this more often.
Val's birthday is in a few weeks. . .
Repeat the fun, please!

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