Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3, 2011

Here is a sneak peek of some of the things we have been up to on our road trip.  Surprised we were away?  Yes, me too.  With Ernie's job change we decided it was time to hit the road.  It was like now or never. . .so here we are on day five of our trip.  I have so may pictures to share but have limited computer access.  I had to hop on over here because after two days of a glorious beach site I had to share this part of our journey.

We were supposed to come home today.  After a visit to the Sequoias and Yosemite, we were gonna call it a trip--and a pretty big one at that!  A forty foot  RV trekking through those mountainous roads. . .I held my breath on a couple of occasions, let me tell you!!!  Anyways, as we talked about heading home for our annual Fourth of July festivities...I just had this overwhelming desire to stay out on the road.  When would we be able to do this again?  Little graduates next June.  Who knows where Ernie's job will take him?
We survived a night at Walmart in Paso Robles for goodness sake--and we had FUN while we were there!! 

I frantically called places looking for another place to stay for a night or two--but didn't I realize it was Friday on Fourth of July weekend?  After many calls telling us they were full--we found a place to dry camp for one more night.  Happily, I took it--one more night together, camping, having a good time.
We headed that way and it must have been five minutes after I teased my husband, "You sure didn't plan out all the details for this road trip!" that we happened upon this little slice of heaven...and it could be ours for as many nights as we want it.
Talk about Gift from 
Ernie teased, "With JC as my co-pilot anything is possible!"
I've wanted to do this for awhile now--camp on the beach and here we are.
It doesn't get much better than this.
Thank you, Jesus!

Looks like we won't be coming home for the Fourth after all.
We took a vote and the beach won--unanimously.
Sorry for the quality of the pictures--my cell phone it is, if I want to keep up with a daily something or rather from here.
Plenty of pictures of our trip to follow.
Bare with me--I'm documenting our precious memories here!!

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