Thursday, August 4, 2011

August 4, 2011

Today was a long day consisting of new patient, registration, blood draws, and a doctor's appointment.
I'll post the details tomorrow.
For now, this little guy earned this Legos Atlantis set for his bravery.
As I tucked in the baby tonight (the big kids are at a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house), I sat at her bedside and cried.
Tears of relief, joy, thanksgiving, love, sadness for those sweet, sick children we saw today.
I emptied myself of the emotions that have been warring to come out since I got the message from the pediatrician on Monday afternoon.
I cried long. Silent tears of anguish for what could have been, and for what is for those other familes.
I was reminded of when I was a young child and I watched the St. Jude telethon.
At the end of an excerpt about a girl named Jessica who was sick with some sort of cancer--
they had to inform the viewers that she had not beat her disease and she had died.
I remember going to my parents room, crying and wanting to donate money for these sick kids.
They have been on my heart and in my prayers ever since.
They will continue to be after this close hand brush with my own sons future a question mark.
We were blessed with a diagnosis that is not deadly...but now I wonder how we might help others who are not as fortunate. 
Are there volunteer opportunities that exist?  
Can we sponsor a child much like those we do through Worldvision and Compassion? 
I need to do something.
My son was spared of this type of diagnosis but what about those mothers whose children were not?

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