Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 23, 2012

God's  promise a reminder that He loves us all--every day. 
Sometimes we are constantly going, going, going with little time for everything we need to do.
This weekend involved birthday parties, Target run, carnival rides, biking, catching up on the phone with family, running into friends and family, cleaning out drawers, church, luncheon and movie afternoon, picking up unwanted furniture, and church.  I'm probably missing a few things in that list there.

The thing is, weekends are for fun.  Whatever fun we make it to be.  This one was all of the above without pictures because I was too busy living it--I couldn't take the time to document it.  And that's okay with me.  Some days, weekends, weeks, or months are going to be that way. It is what it is. 

What I like most is that I was able to capture one (just one) of the many sweet moments that we lived this weekend.  The one that captured Ness in her Halloween pj's relaxing on the daddy she has been missing an awful lot.  The way he works so hard and drives so many hours/day just to come home to us--amazes me.  And then, when he does come home--he takes the time to talk to all of us, to ask about our days and then he patiently explains his.  He uses big, electric kinds of words and draws us illustrations so we have some sort of idea what he is talking about.  Some nights (like this one), he even shows us video so we can see what it is really like out there.
I prefer bucket trucks. These types of days terrify me.  The reality of how dangerous what he does is, makes me nervous to think about the what ifs, so I choose not to think about it very often. Instead, I cling to this truth:
"Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

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