Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011

At 5:30 in the morning she waits anxiously for her friend to pick her up to take her to their first competition.

Her Dance Team

     Yesterday My daughter left to a competition wihout me.  It was her first competition of the season, and her Dad had school.  Because it was a long day for her siblings and I'm still not one hundred percent, I opted to send her with a friend.  She was so excited.  She talked our ear off the night before, and my ear again that morning. She didn't complain once about getting up so early. She was excited to be on her own, with a friend.  I was there to watch her dance(if you count being in the hallway hearing the music stuck in a group of people waiting for seats), but I wasn't there, right there, the entire time.  That felt strange to me.  It feels strange writing it.  I left before the awards and she left with the same friend.  They ended up at another friend's house for lunch.  At 5 pm. when we picked her up, she flashed me such a huge smile and was ready to go...onto the graduation party for a man whom I babysat for when he was young.  He now has a Master's Degree.  That makes me feel old; however, today's competition showed me again that my little girl is growing up.

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