Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5, 2011

     I'm not one for sleepovers for my oldest yet. . .but nonetheless, she has started to ask when she can sleep over somewhere (um...where?) or have someone stay over here (ok...who?).  Fortunately for us, we have the best solution--the kid's oldest brother has a sister, who our kids adore.  Through the years we have been fortunate enought to develop a good relationship and have had her over on occassions.  This Saturday we had our first sleepover.  I love that the girls included Bubba and told me at ten o'clock they were going upstairs to read and sleep!!  They did just that! They were up bright and early ready to play and go to church and a fun time was had by all!  Sleepover Success!

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Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!