Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

On my way out to my first Mom's Heart Conference with Sally Clarkson.
      Friday and Satuday I ventured out into an unknown group of people to be a part of Sally's conference in Irvine.  A series of fortunate events led me there, by myself, to partake in a weekend of fellowship and ministry for moms. I had just finished The Mission of Motherhood and was so inspired and moved by it that I decided to see what the conference had to offer despite the fact that I knew no one at all.  God called me way out of my comfort zone to attend and blessed me with positive people, and then a king size bed waiting for me back at the hotel. I'm still processing all that I experienced this weekend.  I've been looking for a way to be more involved in my childhood Catholic church and am thinking...maybe this is it--an opportunity to lead a book club of sorts starting with the book that got the wheels turning for me. 
       Motherhood is such a gift.  God blessed me with these children to raise.  They are children for such a short time that I need to more intentional with how we spend our time together and really examine some of our outside activites as well.  Are they assisting the family life that we are trying to create or are they taking away from it?  I have so much swimming inside my little mind...wonderful ideas about how to make our home a place to minister and serve. . .so much to think about and pray about and see where HE leads me...The thing that topped this weekend off?  Coming home to a clean house and practically gourmet dinner made by my husband.  Seriously, I'm going to have to make this an annual event!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you doing more writing with your photos. You're a great writer and should be writing at least a paragraph with each post. more of your thoughts and observations on your daily photograph would be welcomed by all.
    I'm glad you had such a positive experience at your conference. Sometimes leaving your comfort zone is just what you need to see things in a new light. A book club would be great, but you might want to consider helping those youngsters improve their observational and writing skills as well.
    May God's guiding light continue to shine brightly upon you daughter dear, as you journey through life.




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