Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

I have learned so much from you through the years.
I remember there was a time in my life that I never thought you would get me.  
Your outgoing, easy-going nature was so different from the shy girl I was.
Your willingness to go above and beyond what was expected made me reconsider what I was doing or not doing enough of.  
Honestly, sometimes I didn't want to do more.
How did you do it?
You made it look so effortless. So easy.
I still remember the biopsy you had done right after Grandpa died.
I was convinced you had cancer and couldn't get out of bed. 
You came over and hugged me and bravely told me you weren't scared.
"It is...what it is."
What a relief when it wasn't cancer.
But then. . .months later, it was.
I was furious.
I was heartbroken.
I was petrified.
I was also pregnant.
You grasped my shoulders and looked into my eyes and told me,
"All you need to worry about is that baby growing inside you."
"Remember that everything you feel...he or she feels."
"You are its mother and it is your responsibility to let the fear go."
Let it go. . .Let it go. . .
How in the world you were able to get through to me so that in my weakest,
darkest moments I could remember those words could only have been the work of 
And you were spared. 
Over five years and you are still cancer free.
Thank you, Jesus!
Every day is a gift with you.
The love you show myself, my kids, family, friends, strangers. . .
You are here to do His work.
You do it well, Mom.
My wish is that I continue to learn by your example;
every day for at least the next fifty years.
I love you
even though I was a jerk when you put together that awesome scavenger hunt at my slumber party a million years ago. 
even though I didn't look up as you screamed for me at my graduation--with that awesome poster.
I truly didn't want to cry.
even though one time I made a mean remark about your job. 
I was young, stupid, and couldn't clearly see the whole picture.
You are the Mom God intended for me.  
You inspire me to be a better person and to brighten the lives of others.
I get it.
Now if only I could barbecue like you do!
Thank you for blessing me every day with your love!
I'm noticing my kid's scrunched up eyes. . .again. You bring out the best in him!!


  1. Thanks honey for this birthday was a lil hard reading it to the end w/ the tears that were flowing....your post & your dad's blog did me in this year...Both your words have touched my heart.....Thank You!


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