Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 3, 2011

How do we accumulate so much stuff?

Teaching opportunity for the kids. . .She served.

More stuff...

And she wants to do this again today? Seriously!?

I LOVED this chair. It will not be coming back in our bedroom though because it spent more time with laundry on it than me in it.  
Not too good a thing when the day before a BIG multi-family yard sale 
you start to feel...
not so well.  What's even worse is when your husband won't be around because he has a big test to take and taxes to do.  Luckily, my littlest brother came over bright and early--in his college years (up until a month ago) anything after noon was the norm.  Working has helped him adjust to regular grown up hours.  Thank you!

My mom is pretty fantastic too.  She helped chase the baby around, answered questions, collected money and told me it was okay to just sit there--she needed me to just take the money and write things down.
Who does that?  Only a mother's love, I tell you!

Might I mention a large portion of what she put out on these packed tables was from the move we did for Papa a month ago now.  In the midst of getting him closer to us he had a ton of stuff that could have just gone to Goodwill, but she cleaned things up, priced them, packed and unpacked--all for him!!  She's a pretty amazing daughter-in-law, I tell you!  I think he will like the little mad money she made for him.

I also have to say, both my kids touched my heart with not complaining about the things we were getting rid of.  I must admit, some of the cleaning out of their rooms took place when they weren't around...actually ALL of it did because let's face it--they don't want to part with their things, I mean who does (besides me, of course)?  My daughter also bagged up her good pieces that she had outgrown and walked them to our neighbor.  She's in kindergarten and her mom has been in the hospital for the last two months recovering from a liver transplant. 
The other thing that happened which made me feel like my daughter is really starting to get it. There was a man in a wheelchair who was parked on the corner watching the happenings in our front yard.  Apparently, his wife or someone was in there shopping.  He was waiting patiently for a long time--when my girl asked me if I minded if she gave the man a water?  She quickly followed that up with--if I did mind then she would use her money to pay for it...
Seriously?  Mind?  GO FOR IT--KIDDO!!!
She offered him nachos too, but he declined.  I love that even with all the activity she noticed someone who appeared to be in need and tried to do something about it.  
Sometimes she seems so selfish, like when her brother gets a slightly larger piece of cake or something crazy small like that--I get frustrated. I feel like she doesn't get it--like maybe we're not doing a good enough job...and then she surprises me and shows her heart really is for Him~!!

And in the later part of the afternoon a guy came by and asked if we were selling any bikes. We didn't have any but he proceeded to ask if we knew where any other yard sales were--his bike shop puts on an event for kids in need by providing refurbished bikes for them.  As he talked, I called my five-year-old over and asked him if he had a bike we could donate.  He led me to the backyard where a small two wheeler was lying on its side with a rope tangled in its spokes.  "Can he fix it for a kid?"  he asked shrugging his shoulders.  He willingly gave it up--no questions asked, no gentle persuading needed.  I love his HEART!!

That was a really long post about a yard sale.
But I guess it's not just about the yard sale, is it?
The whole purging of our house, selling our stuff
 makes me re-think, re-evaluate,and recommit to our 
"Simplify" theme word for 2011.

If we buy less, we can give more.

I can honestly say that I have changed my petty spending ways for the most part.
The money I have saved is-- starting Monday being used for a little help around the house for the jobs that I just can't seem to do often enough...the bathtub, the shutters, the stairs.  
I feel a little guilty about it, working part time--why can't I get everything done the way I want it done-
My neighbor (and friend) reminded me today that I work so I can
indulge a little bit on things that are going to make our lives a little easier. I SO needed to hear that!  
And as long as I don't bring a bunch more stuff  into our home, then I'll enjoy what we have in all its cleanliness.

As for Day two of the yard sale?  It might still be in our yard, but I don't promise to participate. 
But I probably will. Just because.
And we should still be able to get to church--
unless daddy gets called in to work;
then I can't promise we will be anywhere--except maybe Urgent Care.
I need to feel better fast--kids Spring Break starts Monday!!

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