Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30, 2011

Today due to a mandatory dance practice and Ernie having school, we missed the Donate Life walk in honor of my cousin Scott Davis who passed away nearly three years ago, at nineteen-years-old as a result of head trauma due to a skateboarding incident.  He was an organ donor and his death was able to give life to several others...what an amazing legacy he left behind!  Our family has even been blessed to meet some of the people he helped give life to.  And so each year since we have walked to honor him--so although I'm not there physically, I am in spirit.  I think what his parents did to honor who he was and the life he lived by donating his organs to people in desperate need--was an amazing act of love during the most difficult time of their lives.

My kids, who never met Scott--still speak about him today. They know how serious riding their bikes without a helmet can be and for the most part they put theirs on without being told. They talk about their cousin Scott up in heaven and know what happened and how his death helped others to live. 

In fact not going today is particularly difficult for my oldest daughter.  She doesn't want to go to dance. She wants to be with her family. "But Mom, family comes first," she whined.  She's right, which is why we will not be on a competition dance team next year. . .family does come first and when activities come in the way of that--it's time to re-evaluate what your priority is for your kids; however, she also has a commitment to her team and the season isn't over for three more weeks. . .
Scott would understand--he was on the wrestling team at Mater Dei, but still...I wish we were there today.

Next year, we will  be there walking to honor the young man we lost and the gifts he left behind. Do you have a donor dot on your license?  I hope so, Scott's gift of life changed my mind--I'm a donor now because of him!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your cousin. :( We make sure our children have helmets on when biking, scootering, or skateboarding. You never know.. :(
    Dh and I both have organ donor on our cards. :)


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