Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011
Nine years ago I married my best friend and we have been blessed immensely. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for blessing me with you. . .even in my not so fine moments. Good thing, there aren't too many of those, right? You bring so much to my life--make me want to be a better person and I love you with all my heart.

Nine Reasons I love you so. . .
1.  You bring me flowers, just because.  Never carnations (we both know why)--but pretty spring flowers that I love.
2.  You have taught me that it is better to face whatever is in front of us than to run. 
3.  You have shown me how to be more spontaneous--my life before you was always so planned out.  There wasn't much fun in that some times.
4.  You remind me not to worry about things before they happen or if they will happen or not to worry about the unknown.  Our first miscarriage, Mom's cancer, Janessa's hips, being laid off. . .you name it, and I worry about it--until I heed your reminder.
5.  You are so generous of your time and talents for others. 
6.  You are a man of many trades.  You can fix, build, clean. . .I name it and you do it.  Thank you.
7. You say things like, "Whatever makes my wife happy," and you usually mean it.
8.  You are an incredibly hands on Dad.  You especially rock the newborn stage and bath times.  Love it!
9.  You are on board with my crazy DR antics about no debt.  Even though you don't see a car loan as a big deal--you pay it off because you know it means a great deal to me.

I Love you, honey!!!  Happy Anniversary!


  1. Happy Anniversary you Two! Love you Both and so glad to have such a wonderful son-in-law! Janene so glad you found such a wonderful man! You have both made a christian and loving home for our grandchildren & for that I am certainly blessed!


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