Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3, 2011

Do you ever feel like the whole world in front of you has become a hazy blur?
It's funny, the more I try to cling to the qualities that I value most--
other "stuff" seems to pop up and get in the way.
My word of the year is "simplify."

In some ways, I am making big strides.
I keep purging the cupboards and closets getting rid of things I don't love.
Which in turn has created this urgency in me to figure out what do I love?
And this is really bugging me.
I'm so used to going with the flow and being flexible,
and using coupons and trying to stay within a budget, which means clearance and so forth--that
I'm really having to ask myself if I love what I'm buying to bring into my home.
Sad thing is:  this is a struggle for me.
Finding my personal style and my house decor style drives me a little batty.
I've often said I wish I could hire a personal assistant to create outfits for me or an interior designer to decorate my home.
The truth is: even if I did enjoy these luxuries, 
they would still need for me to get real and figure out what the heck I like. 
So, I've taken to ripping out pages in magazines, circling things that I think are beautiful, or feasible, and I'm keeping a little binder.  I remember how the vision boards were all the rage a while ago--and while I haphazardly created one then, now I'm slowly leafing through the magazines as the kids play in the backyard, bare foot with iced tea in hand.  This time I'm going to enjoy the process. . .

Speaking of finding my personal style, I thought why not have some of my friend's opinions while I was at it.
So, Tuesday night, six of us gathered in my home--I made the yummiest, easiest chocolate chip pie and we participated in our first ever clothes swap.  We all just brought what we had and we looked through it and came away with several new pieces.  We enjoyed it so much we are planning on doing one again in the Fall. 
I loved hearing my friend's input, not worrying about the price of an item and choosing what I liked. 
My little baby girl even got some new toys, clothes, and shoes in the process! 
Best of all, what wasn't taken was donated to a woman in crisis.  
There are centers in your neighborhood who help battered women, or freecycle or even Craigslist.
First attempt to photograph an outfit. Top and jacket were from the swap.
Blurrier this time but no longer headless.

Some more cute shirts I gained.
I tell you, I've learned so much from the blogging world around me, from my personal friends, from strangers--I've been inspired, moved, and changed in the process.
I love that I'm always learning.
I love that six women came together and we enjoyed fellowship and feasting.
I love that we encouraged each other to try things on.
I love that no one left empty-handed.
We will definitely be doing this again!

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean


  1. I have been wanting to have a clothes swap! How fun. I think that is a great way to get new stuff, not spend money, and enjoy some nice girl time too.

    Way to go on paying off your rv!! I think I now have RV envy. Yours looks fancy. Ours was my husband's grandparents. They bought it new in 96. It's in good shape but needs some tlc. It's been a lot of work so far. Tomorrow we are having a cleaning party. It's like stocking another house at this point. I know the fun will come though.
    Have a great weekend! :)


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