Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7, 2011

Imagine my surprise when Bubba's teacher (she is AMAZING! Check out her creative resources and blog) approached me that he had the role of the one and only crocodile in their production "The Wide Mouthed Frog."  Apparently this is a coveted role and my little guy was pretty excited about it. . .that is, until they practiced on the stage.  That day Mrs. Butkus told me, "Janene, he just froze.  I really need to know if he's going to be able to do this. . ."

We talked to him that night and we taught him the verse, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philipians 4:13  He did much better the next day and the day after that.  The night of the performance, he wasn't nervous at all.  I sure was--I couldn't get a hold of his Dad. The job they were on was running late.  Thankfully, Grandma, Uncle, and Nino and Nina were to the rescue! They made sure they were there to cheer him on with me from the front row.
He was confident the crocodile. Can't you tell?

The frogs were trying to find out what other animals eat.
Elephants? Monkeys? lions?
He waited patiently for his moment center stage.
He walked quickly and confidently up on the stage when it was his cue.
The frog sang to Mr. Crocodile, "What do you eat?"
It was a catchy tune that wouldn't leave my head that night--but now I can't recall. We plan on watching the video for family movie night ion Friday. . .again.
He spoke his line clearly.  He was a little short for the setting of the microphone though.
The hand movements were in full effect.
I love the coy look on his face here as he got ready to attack.
He is off and running ready to try to catch a frog. It was quite well constructed chaos as the kindergarten frogs tried to run to safety.
They ran so quickly, Mr. Crocodile could only mutter, "Aw man, I'll get them next time."
My little crocodile. I'm so proud of you. 
You may not always remember the play, but I hope you remember that "you can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength."

1 comment:

  1. How adorable!! I would be crying the entire time, they all looks so cute :)


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