Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 9, 2011

His 1st day of Kindergarten.
The day before his last day of kinder. L.A .Zoo 
In his own words. . .
I am really good at:  Writing
I like to: read.
My favorite thing to learn at school: numbers.
1 person who make me laugh: Robert
One word that describes me: happy
I am really happy when: people share.
I am really sad when: people don't share.
My favorite book: No, David!
My favorite TV show:  Flamingo
My favorite vacation:  Las Vegas
I like school when: people are nice.
I don't like school when: they be mean.
My favorite season:  Spring
My favorite toy: Legos.
Things that make me mad:When people throw things at me.
Favorite sport:  Football.
I like my Dad because: He is cool.
I like my Mom because: She is awesome.
I like my family because: They love me.

I saw this idea for an interview at Clover Lane and just had to do the same.

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