Monday, July 25, 2011

July 26, 2011

Since reading The Happiness Project,
I've been trying to put a list together of things that are fun to me.
It has been such a challenge because I'm often trying to find things that are fun for my kids--
and then usually I enjoy myself and have fun too.
But getting down to the nitty gritty of what is fun for me has been hard.
This was a glaring truth for me recently as we put a slip-n-slide in the front yard for the neighborhood kids to enjoy.
It seemed most of the kids had seen one before but they were all a little cautious when it was their turn to run and slide.
All of a sudden, my husband tells them, "Watch this.  This is how its done!"
He takes off his shoes and sprints in his jeans and t-shirt!

There was no forethought.
No apprehension.
No time for second thoughts.
Just pure unadulterated much so that he did it again.
Racing the neighbor kids this time.

Did I mention we had company over?
My brother and his girlfriend, but still--company nonetheless.
How about that we live on a corner?
He was in the front yard, on a corner and he could have cared less.
He was having a blast!
And as I stood capturing the moment on film, I was reminded that this is how it is often with me.
I may orchestrate the fun, but rarely do I engage in it unabandoned.
I'm cautious.
I'm well planned.
I'm not so good at in the moment.
And, oh I want to be!!
 But for now I will have to settle with the glaring truth that I have some figuring out to do--
but more than that, the realization that I have some fun to be had!!
I better find it sooner than later!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, isn't that just like a man!?! One of the things I admire most about my husband is his ability to always be so comfortable with himself. I love all your photos! I'm curious about The Happiness Project now... Good luck with your list!

    Visiting via {Titus 2sdays}


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