Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011

I've been busy the past couple days. . .
Busy having fun with my kids and friends.
Tuesday began with a trip to the Discovery Center in Santa Ana.

We are now annual pass holders so we can venture into this place again to explore 
and check out the exhibits that change every three months. 
For the love of science, why not?!

The day concluded with dinner at my friend Julie's house.
We went to college together and reconnected through Facebook a couple years ago.
We've kept in contact ever since (even though I am no longer on FB) --
she loves me anyways.
Dinner with her and her daughter was a real treat.
We were able to catch up on life, hang out and enjoy each other's company--along with several flies and my kids.
Like I said, a real treat! (There is no sarcasm here, I promise!)

Fast Forward to Wednesday.
I have a college friend who lives in Yucaipa. . .not too far away, but far enough away that we don't see each other often.
The planets aligned and we were able to squeeze in a day at the Yucaipa Regional Park with the kiddos.
Minnie Me's in the making.
I loved watching our girls run off together to ride the slides!
I also loved seeing them sit in our chairs and was reminded that soon enough,
they will be wanting beach trips without their mamas.
I might have become sad with this thought if I wasn't having so much fun with my dear friend!
My miniature me in the making was pretty good this trip.
She keeps surprising me with what she is capable of when we go out on our adventures.
She was asleep before we made it to the car.

Back at the house, as good friends do. . .she supplied me with a bra, some body spray and a cold beverage.
We sat at the table and caught up on all our history that had passed in the last nine months or so.
I was reminded that sometimes God gives us just who we need.
This is a friend whom I love dearly.
We met in our graduate courses and we just clicked.
Soul sisters, if you will. . .
and as not to air our dirty laundry all over the internet because it is in the past--
things happened and the friendship ended for awhile.
This girl who rejoiced as I found my prince charming was not invited to our wedding.
Time passed, wounds healed, and forgiveness was extended.
By the grace of God, we were given another opportunity at friendship. . .sisterhood.
This wonderful day, full of laughter and catching up also served as a reminder that I need to seek these fun moments...sneak them in with playdates with the kids, a phone call, an email, a coffee date on a lazy Sunday because this second chance at friendship can not/should not be taken for granted,
We need to work at it, appreciate it, nurture it, love it
because we almost didn't have it again.
So on this day, I give thanks for finding the fun in my friends and being able to spend time with people who make me happy!!

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