Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29, 2011

Today was a big day.
After three months of constant use of her brace,
Nessa was ready for her big check-up and x-rays.
After consistently hearing there has been, "no change" for the past year and a half with surgery looming in her possible future...
today we rejoiced with the news that she is making progress!!
It doesn't seem that her sockets are shallow.
Her hips are not "normal" but they are progressing nicely!
Surgery does not look like it's in the plan for her--at all!
Not now--possibly never!!
This time around I would place my hands on my sweet girl and ask Jesus to heal her.
I've never lost hope that what we are doing would  not work.
I also didn't fret and worry this time.
I came to terms with the fact that it is out of my hands--
I guess this is what some refer to as surrendering.
I surrendered.  
The drive to Santa Monica was long: traffic and more traffic. Sigh.
Thankfully Grandpa came along to keep me company.
And he even took over the wheel on the drive home.
Who knew not even five minutes away from the UCLA Orthopedics Pediatrics Building, a view like this existed. . .
All these visits and I was oblivious to how close I was to one of my favorite places--the beach.
I got to sit back, relax, and enjoy the view relishing in the joy of our baby girl's good news.
Now we have to figure out how to keep the brace on.
Ideas, suggestions, or creative genius ideas are all welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, what good news!!!
    I wasn't aware that she had to wear a brace. Was it from an injury? Poor girl, I imagine it is getting hard to keep it on her. At least surgery sounds far away and maybe never!

    Have a great weekend Janene!


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