Friday, August 12, 2011

August 12, 2011

Day two began our adventures at Safari Park, formerly known as Wild Animal Park.
Five minutes upon arrival, we experienced a broken shoe for the 8-year-old. 
I told her to bring tennis shoes...
so much for listening to Mom.
We met up with a friend of mine, her daughter and two of her friends.
They made our trip a lot easier with some helpful hands and stroller pushers.

I was practicing using my camera in manual mode.
This beautiful, huge lion lifted his head and then dropped it just as quickly.
It's blurry, but I love this shot!
We also took the forty minute tram ride where five minutes into it, I had to put the camera away.
I was sitting with the baby myself and it was either lose her or the camera at the rate I was going.
I tucked the camera away.
besides we can be regulars there if we want to be...
remember, we're pass holders now!!
I loved this lion thing.  
Janessa didn't.  
She kept covering her eyes the closer it got to her.
It was all a fun trip until Janessa got stung by a bee--
she was a pretty good sport, but it was apparent that a nap was in order so we headed back to the hotel.
Bubs was messing around with the camera...and now that we are home, I'm glad.
I realize there aren't any pictures of me at all--
except for a couple headless ones he took in the car on our way back.
Evidence that I partook in the mini-vacay.
I like it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up today! It's so great to see you enjoying all these moments with your family!


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