Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 11, 2011

Since our vegas trip got canceled when life was swirling out of control,
we headed to San Diego Monday for a mini vacation--
and to cut down on Ernie's commute.
Not sure if I've mentioned my husband is commuting there daily.
He gets up at 4:30 in the morning and ets home around six.
As I made the drive myself Monday I was in a constant prayer of gratitude because I don't know that I could do what he does when it comes to driving.
The first day we headed to the San Diego zoo as soon as Ernie got off work.
The late afternoon/early evening hours is a great time to visit the zoo to see the animals in action.  
We took the bus tour to cover more ground--and also because Bubs and Ness had never been before.
While I should have been taking pictures of the animals,
this little monkey kept capturing my attention.
 Ever since his diagnosis, I have this newfound appreciation of his silliness.
 I'm also wondering how to keep him away from germs when he seems to attract them in all that he does.
 We also visited the petting zoo because no visit is complete without loving on some real life animals.
Fearless Frita here was picking up straw from the dirt floor to feed them.
It could have been worse--at least it wasn't poop!
We are now annual pass holders--fun times!

More on our trip tomorrow: )

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