Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 28, 2011

Months ago I purchased a ticket for Blog Sugar.
In those days, my blog was fairly brand new and posting a picture each day was more uplifting than challenging to me, so I thought--why not? I'm kind of a blogger, right?

Now nearly ten months into the blog,
I've been feeling like I don't know what direction to go.
This post a picture a day seems overwhelming sometimes,
and even though only a few people follow it--and I'm sure they would understand if I slowed up. . .I'm a very goal oriented person and it's not the end of the year yet. 
So I blog on. . .
I almost didn't make it to the big event this weekend.
After last week's incident my fear and axiety had gotten the best of me.
But after a Dr. thought it was in my best interest to get myself there,
and two sweet blog friends Laura and Hannah
prayed together over the phone for me. . .
I knew HE wanted me there.
So I went.
And am so thankful I did.
I found myself surrounded by faith-filled women with open arms. . .and a wide assortment of desserts.
(Just keepin it real).
Encouragement, inspiration, and authenticity embraced me in every direction.
I was able to connect with women whom I feel like I know simply through the power of their words.
First I met Laura, aka Sugarmama.
The day before Blog Sugar we met up and somehow what she wanted was just what I needed:
beautiful beach therapy!
By Blog Sugar time I was breathing easier and ready to be inspired and moved.
Let's just say, I was not disappointed!
My sweet friend, Hannah shared so much of her heart and soul, just as she does to our blogging community.
I also got the chance to know the sweet Chelsea.
I've been following Genn (on the left--blurry is all I have--sorry!) for awhile now.
Elizabeth and I met at dinner the night before and I still can't get over her craftiness!
In addition to her, I had the pleasure of hanging out with the large group of girls shown below as well.
(Jacqui is missing in the photo though.)
Lo and behold I was the oldest one at the table...random fact that I found interesting so I thought I'd share.
None of us really knows how the dinner came to be... Lucky for us, social media!!
Anyone else meet via twitter?
Elizabeth, myself, CarrieAlissaKateLauraChelsea, and Meagan
This conference gave me many things to think about.
As the end of the year approaches--
(Christmas is only 3 months away; not to freak you out or anything. Just saying.)
I have so much to consider as far as maintaining a blog goes:
what direction my blog will go.
It doesn't matter if I have five followers or five hundred.
I can use this as a platform to do good,
to create community, to share my story.
My story is unique.
He has given it to me to share.

I have been gifted this community so what am I going to do with it?
What does He want me to do with it?
What is He calling you to do with yours?


  1. I can't wait to see what direction the Lord leads you, in this next year. SO happy we met and so happy you were able to be a part of that evening!

  2. Great post! I'm so glad you were able to convince yourself to go and just have a great time. I wish I had met you, there were just so many amazing women there and not enough time.

  3. YEAH! i was looking for you all over blogville and finally found you!

    janene, i have to say that meeting you was definitely a highlight of this weekend. i loved BLOG SUGAR, but sitting with you in my hat, house clothes, sans make-up was just what my heart needed!

    may God continue to lead you in peace and be your truth.

    oh, and i'm recalling i mentioned a song to you by sara groves
    it's a goofy video, but the song is so good.

    here were the lyrics i shared with you~
    "i don't doubt your Sovereignty, i doubt my own ability to hear what your saying and to do the right thing. LORD, i desperately want to do the right thing."

    i'll be back for sure!

  4. Hello there. I am Gennifer's Mom, Kris. I was so happy to be there at Blog Sugar. I see your sweet comments on my daughter Gennifer's page often. You certainly do seem like a lovely person!!!!!

  5. it was so fab to meet you! i am excited to see where God takes your blog! :) I am so glad you DID come. And it will be exciting to see the fruit of the Sugar in the upcoming months. :)

  6. Love your Blog Sugar recap, except one thing....WE didn't get to hang out!!!!!! SO sad. You & Laura were 2 people I wanted to hang out with, but never did. SO bummed!!!! :(

  7. I love your recap! I'm so glad we got to finally meet in real life. You have a beautiful family and I'm excited to get to know you more. Since we're practically neighbors I think a local blogger meet up might be in order. Love ya girl!

  8. It was so great to meet you!!! Have a wonderful week!

  9. (amen, to denise's comment!)
    janene it was amazing! a perfect day! such a treat, too, meeting you and hanging out. love you, girl! xo


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!