Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 7, 2011

This post is just for me.
And anyone else who sees a series of instructions or pictures on-line and thinks, 
"Wow, I could never do that (craft) or make that (recipe)."
I've thought that to myself plenty of times and so I just decided to dive in and try a new recipe.
Of course, I got in this mood on a day when I didn't really have all the ingredients that were needed.
But, since this is my real world, and I've learned a lot from watching my mom improvise I decided to make them anyway.
What you ask?
Egg McMuffins seen in all their prettiness here.
Be forewarned--mine look NOTHING like hers!!!
But I improvised here, remember? And so can you!!
First I mixed my eggs (3), water and salt and pepper.
I poured it into my hot pan.
Then because I didn't have slices of cheese. . .I used shredded.
I placed whole wheat English muffins in my toaster oven for a few minutes.
While those were toasting, I flipped my eggs--
I've never made an omelet before but I think that is pretty much what I almost could have made had I stopped at this step.
I didn't have the cute metal biscuit cutter or whatever. . .
but I had some cookie cutters that I keep in the playdo bin!--washed of course!
Buttered the other side of the biscuit--AND
 So easy and delicious--I made another batch to freeze: )
These might be an additional monthly freezer meal to add to the rotation.
Improvisation at its finest!!
If I can do it with what I had on hand--so can you!!


  1. That looks awesome!!! I love Mcmuffins and this will save me so much money...lol

  2. Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing! (And for stopping by my blog!)

  3. oh my gosh I love this, gonna try this tomorrow because I have all the ingredients ya!

  4. I'm not an egg eater (besides in baked goods!) but my hubby would enjoy these. SO much healthier than the Mc version :)


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!