Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

"Look back. . .Hope forward."--Denise, Victory Road

These words have been on my heart and mind for a week now.
I heard them during my first meeting with Denise at the hotel's continental breakfast.
Early that morning, sans make up, she in workout clothes, me in comfy ones. . .
we talked and shared stories. 
There may have been a particular kinship because we were both rapidly approaching our
"mid upper thirties."
Proudly, I might add.

Whatever the case may be...
at some point in the conversation she shared,"Look back. Hope forward."
It is a thought that has stuck with me.
While it is okay to look at the past to learn from or recall precious memories, heck--even the not so great ones, we must constantly crave the hope that He has promised us.
My favorite verse comes to mind: Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
A week or so before my teaching life was forever changed. . .
I was listening to XM's The Message on my way to work.  The announcer said:
"Do not tell God how big your mountain is.  Tell your mountain how big your God is."
I thought the idea so profound, I sent out a text to friends and family.
Who knew that only a week later that quote would keep replaying through my mind and help to get me through my days.
That is true today.
Mentally and emotionally each day has become a challenge to get myself ready for work. 
To get myself ready period some days.
Three hours a day has never felt so long or scary to me.
Yet, here I am hoping forward...putting one foot in front of the other to get out the door,
knowing my God is bigger than this mountain and in time its purpose will be revealed to me. 
Is it easier for you to look back or hope forward?


  1. i totally felt a kinship with you during our meeting.

    your words are so good. such a healthy perspective in the midst of all you are currently going through.

    our God is BIG, HUGE!

    looking back i see where God has delivered me from, it's how i can hope forward.

    He absolutely has a hope and a future for you.

    may he continue to lead you in peace and sustain you during this time.

  2. Amen. We can't get stuck in the past. We have to take time and enjoy the moment and plan for the future.


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!