Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3, 2011

I decided only yesterday that I must participate in Thankful on Paper
because I went back to work.
On the drive there, I realized there was one person from my school site who took the time on three separate occasions to let me know she was thinking about me and keeping me in prayer.
She e-mailed me and sent me a card.
They filled me up.
They gave me hope.
They let me know that I was on her mind.
I mattered.
At the end of my three hour day, she came to hug me and see how my day went.
She took the time to walk to my room.
She made an effort to connect with me and let me know--her praying never ceased.
And I believe her.
It has been five years at this school site...and sometimes it has been a lonely stay.
I work part time.
I'm not there for lunches and after school--chit chat and catching up.
But this librarian, she sees me.  
She sees everyone.
She reaches out.
She does His work with a joyful heart and enthusiasm.
I am so grateful for the time she took to reach out and more importantly the prayers she prayed on my behalf.

Psalm 105:1

"Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!"

3. I am thankful for very thankful!


  1. praise jesus for a friend who saw your need, came alongside and supported you so well! makes my heart glad for you!
    love and hugs to you, praying for you friend!xo

  2. I LOVE your post. I too am thankful for a friend. It sounds like you are on the mend as well. Isn't it such a blessing to get that encouragement when we really are needing it? BTW, i love your thankful tag idea. I was thinking of something like that... just couldn't visualize it. Beautiful!
    Love your blog. :)

  3. I am SO happy you have people like this surrounding you now more than ever. And don't you just love those people that reach out and love so effortlessly. Oh to be more like Carol.

  4. love this. how sweet that the librarian sees you. sees everyone. i like her already.

    i should participate. write a note {or 4}. being thankful would be good for me in this busy all about myself season. it would be good to think about and thank someone else.


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!