Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26, 2012

I've accomplished some reading this month, if you're interested. . .
Praying for Strangers by River Jordan (cool name, isn't it?) is a story of her New Year's resolution to pray for strangers.  I loved her recounts of some of her real life experiences of the power of prayer.  I admired her courage to approach people and offer her prayer for them.  It was beautiful to think about how such a simple act could be life changing for both parties involved.

The Secrets of Happy Families by Scott Haltzman was. . .okay.  I felt like I didn't walk away with much more than I already knew.  The eight keys to building a lifetime of connection and contentment are not rocket science and I found their survey of only 1,266 men and women to be limited.  I found myself flipping past some pages because I feel like I've seen the research before. . .

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford was my first library check out for my Pandigital, Kindle-like reader.  I was worried because I only had it for two weeks.  There was no need to worry because I devoured it in like. . .three days.  I stayed up way too late and did way too little with my days.  I could not put it down.  When I taught ninth grade I became interested in internment camps after reading Picture Bride and Farewell to Manzanar.  This book grabbed me from page one--it was such a great read!  I find it hard to believe that this is Ford's debut novel--I was enthralled with the story line--it's sweet and bitter--a perfect combination of the two!

Another digital read that I finished way too quickly was Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin.  It takes place in Mississippi in the 1970's and is the story of two boyhood pals that spans two decades.  They were never supposed to be friends because of their differing skin color.  It's a mysterious trail the boy's lives include and I was instantly hooked and I couldn't put it down!

Currently, I'm working on The Book Thief  by Marcus Zusak--but I have to be honest.  I started it over a week ago and I'm only on page sixty-seven.  I just can't seem to get into it.  I hate not finishing what I start, but I'm having some trouble here...Actually, my two kindle reads got pushed to the front of the line because I'm just not feeling this.  I don't know.  I will see and let you know.

On the kid front, Gifts From the Sea was a beautiful, quaint story that the kids enjoyed--my daughter more so than my son.  Blessing of the Beast was one they both enjoyed.  Both will be added to our library eventually.  I love finding new ones to enjoy together.

What about you?  What are you reading? What's on your night stand these days?


  1. You do know raisins and grapes are extreeeeemely toxic to dogs, right?! As in, even 1-2 raisins have caused death in dogs within 24 hours...kidney failure. Our dog ate 3-4 grapes and the vet was forcing us to induce vomiting. Just FYI in case you didn't know!!!! Scary!!!!

  2. Oops - commented on wrong post. Lol they came thru together on email! Hope your doggie is ok!!!!!

  3. I read Praying for Strangers and loved it!


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