Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29, 2012

Yesterday turned out to be the kind of Saturday I will always treasure.  It started out with a blessing for Ernie, who was off to take the final he thought was last week, but wasn't.  The kids and I made a run to two grocery stores to stock up for the week and attempt to keep to the new budget.

While unpacking the groceries and the kids cleaning their rooms, there was a knock at the door.  A sweet friend, I met through one of my other friends was dropping by to give me a hug.  She has such a sweet heart.  I've run into her random times and each time it is such a blessing.  She is secure in her faith.  She desires to raise children who will spread God's word and heart.  Everything about her is so genuine and her stopping by unannounced just to see how I was doing was a little gift from God.  She had no idea the changes I'm contemplating as we don't talk often, but a few minutes into the conversation, she is sharing her heart, advising me to trust mine and I can do it: "just take baby steps."

I was smiling as I shut the door, appreciative of who she is and the role she played for Jesus yesterday.  Back inside, I had received a text that another friend was going to be able to meet up with us at the park.  This sweet friend I met as I helped in my little brother's kindergarten class years ago--she was the substitute.  Three years later our paths would cross again as I came to teach at my little brother's school where she too was working permanently.  I can't remember exactly when our relationship deepened beyond the creative teacher ideas, and surface-y stuff.  But I am so thankful it has.  She is an original GMG girl.  She gave me her Bible in a Year--which is truly where I began my journey. And such a journey it has been!

We were able to meet up at the park and picnic with the kids.  She was blessed with the opportunity to job share while her kids were smaller and she just this year went back full time.  She shared her heart.  She encouraged me to follow mine.  We were just two friends celebrating the beauty of the day while watching the children we love so much playing in the distance.  We shared our stories--no matter how similar or different, and I felt God's gift again so generously that day.

Then, Ernie came home rejoicing in his 94% which signified the end of his classroom work!  Three and a half years has come to an end.  He is six months away from his final step test and journeying out. Yahoo!

We went to celebrate a friend of ours who was going out on disability due to her cancer.  Thirty years she has tirelessly worked to engage her students, support them, challenge them. . .and now it has ended because her body is tired.  It has been five years since Ernie and I have been back to the high school we worked at. It's actually the high school we met and fell in love at. . .so many good memories, so many great people and yet we've never returned.

Could it be that life has been that busy for us to not take the time to keep in touch with the people that meant so much to us, if only for a season?  How had I never taken our third child there to "meet" our friends who had been such a part of celebrating our other two?  I shake my head typing this because I'm not sure what it was.

Last night we were able to see and catch up with many former co-workers.  A large number of people attended to celebrate this woman and all she has achieved in the work world.  I was happy to hug on her and share in the celebration while she is still here--not simply coming together at her funeral.

Life is meant to be a daily celebration.
 Life is meant to encompass others.
 Life is meant to be lived fully.

I am so thankful for the life three women breathed into me yesterday.


  1. You two make such a good lookin' couple! :) And congrats to him for the test score!!!

  2. Love your post! Tell Ernie I said congratulations! Love your picture.....
    Aunt Cookie

  3. I love that picture of you two! How very sweet of your friend to stop by unexpectedly. So many people wouldn't think to do that. What a blessing! Congrats to Ernie for the awesome test score!


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!