Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012

My little one does not have a vast vocabulary. . .yet.
She is not. . .I repeat NOT a parrot.
She picks and chooses when she wants to participate in the repeat game with me. With anyone.
While she understands simple commands, and even not so simple ones--
she speaks when she wants to speak.
Last night, after tucking her in, praying, and flipping through a book she didn't care to hear, only look at pictures. . .in the dark, quiet of her room. . .her voice called out--
unmistakeably strong and sure.
"Don't go, mama."
I paused and looked over my shoulder as she repeated herself,
"Don't go, mama," this little, covered body, whose face I could not see in dark but whose voice was sure as day, called out.
I went back to her, sat down on her bed and put my face close to hers.
"You don't want mama to go?"
Her arm curled up around my face and held on to my neck gently.
"No mama. Don't go."
So I laid beside her for a long while.
I prayed.
I pondered how I almost missed this moment: face beside hers--her arm wrapped around my neck to hold me close...ensuring that I wouldn't go.
Go. Go. Go. Don't Go.
My word of 2012. ..interesting.
Maybe He speaks words strong and sure and true too,
I just don't pay close enough attention.
Maybe he's just waiting for me to rest my head in the crook of his shoulder to give me rest, comfort, and peace.
Maybe, just maybe... last night was another one of those gifts He blessed me with to pause, to just be, and to listen to His voice--in the form of her voice. . .calling out to me not to go. . .to stay and enjoy my time of being a mommy.
“The days are long, but the years are short.”


  1. This is so sweet. I don't know what it is about your writing, but you seriously get me to tears almost every time. :)


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