Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012

I think I jinxed myself.  Tuesday while at the doctors for the baby's two year check up, I mentioned how great my son's health has been this season.  I told her I'm not sure if it's the healthier diet with organic products, the flu shot, the vitamins, or the great teacher he has who disinfects his desk and reminds him to wash his hands all the time--or all three things combined. . .she knocked on wood.

Yesterday at almost noon I received the phone call he was in the office. Fever. Sick.  Poor, little guy.  He came home and slept the remainder of the day away.I called his doctor to see how long I should put off his blood work that is supposed to be done tomorrow.  They were doing a full panel of tests to pinpoint his autoimmune problem...and she suggested I take him to Urgent Care just to be safe.  Since his diagnosis, I have changed pediatricians because I want that doctor who is proactive and overly cautious, so there was no reason to complain or grumble about her suggestion now.

The wait at Urgent Care was quick, considering.  His doctor was thorough and wanted to do a blood tests, which Bubba promptly cried about.  Poor kid just hates to be stuck with needles.  Nearly breaks my heart every time.  The doctor feels like it's neutropenic fever. . .I kind of thought it was just the flu, but now we will follow up with our pediatrician once the blood work comes back and go from there. 

Here we are nearly six months since that day at City of Hope, how quickly I forgot that fear.  How fortunate we have been that his illness has been at bay--and I proudly say, "To God be the the glory."  But there it sits, on the backburner and it can rear its ugly head at any time.

I feel like this has been a week I've looked forward to for so long--because the Mom Heart Conference with Sally Clarkson is tomorrow. However, it seems that the devil is trying to steal my joy and I can not let him win!  Jonathan is sick and not going back to school until Monday, Ernie's wisdom teeth are really bothering him so he is having them removed.-tomorrow. Some private Company is coming in for twenty minute observations at work since we are a program improvement district--tomorrow. Ugh!! And have I mentioned all the junk the refinance consists of!!  If it's not one thing, it's something else. . .

So I will try to center myself and get back to my heart of gratitude without worrying about all the other "stuff" so I can soak in all this upcoming weekend has to offer.  In the meantime, this little one makes that quite easy to do. Ignore the lighting, she was moving fast. . .

Sometimes "playing" a grown up is so much more glamorous than it really is, right?
Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." 

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