Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween Hangover

And just like that Halloween is over.  Done.  In the books and the holidays are ready to be unwrapped!  This Halloween was low key since Nessa Bessa had been sick.  The funny thing about it?  According to the kids it was also one of the best!  I love when that kind of stuff happens coincidentally!

Last week, Fall Ball started our season off with dancing and friends.
 Keeping an eye on an almost four year old who has her own friends is rough.  She wants to be big so badly. . .but then there's mom right there capturing shots that just melt me.
Those ringlets in the back--just do me in.  My little strawberry.
The big kids and dad went to the event at church Wednesday night--Nessa wasn't up to it so we picnicked on our bed and watched tv.  I thought it was pretty perfect.  We dressed her up to go to the My Gym party with the big kids where she donned costume #2.
But she wasn't feeling herself so we came home.  We didn't want to push it so she would be okay for the actual Halloween day.
That day, we stayed home and rested up before hitting uncles house and then the grandparents.  It's kind of like a tradition.  Living so close definitely has its perks!
Then back to our quaint, little city where EVERYONE seems to come to escape their own. The trick-or treating is out of control--kids are dropped off by the car loads and it's quite the mad house.  But we live here and we enjoy going to houses of people we know--so we put on our brave faces and head out into the costume chaos and enjoy it.  This year we started and ended at a church two blocks from home.  Our neighbor told us about it and they had free food, games, and the best part?  A magic show.
We could have stayed here all night.  The kids loved it.

Did I mention this one changed her costume again?  She came downstairs after brother had "painted" her face with my eyeshadow--a shade of gray.  So we changed up her costume so she was one happy kitty.
 And finally we met up with some friends and then we lost our friends and then we met up with other friends and we all just did what we do for our kids.  We walked and they went door to door totally oblivious to the crowds.  That cracked me up!
These three littles had to put on their glow necklaces and hold hands the whole time so they didn't get separated.  It was way cute! At the end of the night we went to our friend's house for food and came home by nine.  Daddy still had to work the next day--but the kids and I?  We got a full night's sleep and had no school the next day!  I love that the kids enjoyed it so much.  I was reminded (again) of how fast the time is passing.  I love these celebrations woven into our family tapestry.  I just hope they love them as well and always are a part at some level. This year when they gave me their candy to donate--we took them to Target and gave them twenty dollars to spend.  They were excited and surprised.  We were grateful that for them Halloween is all about the dressing up and gathering with friends. We wanted to gift them something instead of set them up for cavities.  Works for us!

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