Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Years!

 We visited the Rose Parade for the very first time. . . well the after math of the parade to view the floats!  It was SO beautiful--my dad says I've been there before, but I truly can not remember!!
 Our New Year's Eve was quiet.  Plans to travel were thwarted by rain.  But that's okay, visits from loved ones, games, movies, goal setting and celebrating was plenty!
Nessa and Nina

Goal setting

The movie Annie with the cousins

She's got her own style

Plenty of relaxing took place too

At the end of the year, all I  can say is that it was good to us.  Life is full and busy and good.  I never would have thought we would be where we are: me homeschooling, quitting my job, taking guardianship, dealing with aging sick parents, living, laughing, loving.  I think the focus on family grew me this year.  I found myself...and me here with them is enough.

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