Sunday, February 1, 2015

My Miracle

It's a beautiful thing when things go even better than you expect.  It doesn't surprise me; it just stops me in my tracks to praise Him.  Earlier this week Janessa's Nina and I headed out to UCLA for a check up on Janessa's hips. Baby bird was born breech, had little movement in the womb due to low amniotic fluid and was born with hip dysplacia.
Leg warmers were her BFF's back in the day to prevent chaffing.

I doubted she would ever catch up with babies her own age.  But she crawled when they did--it was an awesome army crawl she mastered.  She walked when they did, with legs wide apart but walking nonetheless.
The doctors were right, she would find a way and not fall behind.  She never did.  I'm so grateful for our Dr. at UCLA who said let's just let her develop. Let her run wild, plie in ballet slippers, shuffle ball chain in tap shoes, kick with no abandon. . .and see what happens this year.  So we did.
We prayed, of course. That was our first line of defense while we waited to see. But we let her be and put it in God's hands.  And Thursday's xrays were absolute perfection.  The discrepancy between her socket and hip were no more.  It's as if there was never even a problem. God is good and so faithful.  He shows up and still works His miracles in His time, for His glory.  For this I am very thankful.
In the scheme of things, this was such a small issue to contend with over the course of the last four years.   But it was something that was not the norm.  I was reminded as we drove the hour and a half away, stuck in traffic, how many people made this same trek with diagnosis' so much worse.  Lives were changed because children were ill and as parents we will do whatever we can to heal them.  So at the end of this, I became thankful for hip dysplacia.  Thankful for the extra time with my girl, thankful for Drs. with her best interest at heart, thankful for car drives with talks and movies and music playing-even the one that involved vomiting into a coffee cup with no change of clothes.  These small annoyances were gifts.  Her healing a gift.  Saying good-bye to the place that treated us so well but was a heck of a long ways away. . .a gift.
Every day. . .a gift.  Closed doors. . .a gift.  New beginnings. . .a gift.
Every little thing, good and bad, eventually becomes a gift.

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