Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bad Behavior

You know what's hard?  Knowing you're commanded to love even though you may not really like someone. Actually, maybe it's not the person you don't like--more like their lifestyle.  It's such a fine line between not being judgmental and not wanting young kids around behavior that tends to be inappropriate.  No one likes to  get cast like the crazy one, when all they are trying to do is protect their kids from growing up seeing too much too soon.  And really, we care about their perceptions of the people they know and love.  It is really about wanting them to remember, love, and respect the good attributes of family and friends while not having to explain the bad until they are old enough to understand.  Maybe by that point, the bad behavior or lifestyle choices will be outgrown.  One can hope. . .so I do.  And I pray a lot.  Every time I'm tempted to talk about it--I think have I prayed about it as much as I have talked about it?  I'm happy to report that I can answer that question with a resounding yes.  Prayer really does change things.

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