Thursday, January 22, 2015

Savor the Silence

This is the third Thursday in a row that I have had a whole two hours to myself before my students arrive. Grandpa has laid claim to Janessa.  She calls this their lazy day and she is ever more conscious of the days of the week now.  I hope it is a date that will be withstanding, as this could very well be their last opportunity to pour into her without the schedules and demands of a regular school day.  Following a day of illness, the options that loom before me are varied.  The band upon my wrist taunts me to get outside and walk--to make up for the steps missed while in bed yesterday.  My book for book club beckons me--two chapters to go.  Two chapters echoing THIS is my best yes.  A house could be cleaned, laundry completed, lessons to plan for what is probably my last semester of homeschooling for my little one; yet, I sit.

I have blessed my husband as he left for work, prayed for a friend interviewing about a Masters program.  I have read about loaves and fishes, and Peter walking on water.  I have worked out, washed breakfast dishes, blessed kids as they walked off to school.  We've kept a meeting with our ES and reflected on our month of learning, I've taken a forgotten lunch and book to school, I've chatted for a few minutes with two girl friends, texted encouragement to a couple of others and it isn't even 11 am.

And now, as my music plays softly in the background, a smile plays on my lips as my eyes gaze lovingly out a window with a view of tall trees and mountains looming in the distance...I'm just thankful for this one moment.  This opportunity to live this life.  All the petty problems and annoyances with people or situations, in the scheme of it all mean nothing. With only an hour remaining before my writing class begins--I will sit and savor the silence.  I will relish in the revelations of my thoughts.  I will contemplate my days and God's use of my gifts. I will look forward to the future, while at the very same time enjoy the gift of now.

There is wonderful joy ahead--1 Peter 1:6

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