Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8, 2011

Anjalene asks how can I show my brother  love and decides to make him a treat!

Her creation: a piece of bread slathered in grape jelly and a face made of mini chocolate chips and butterscotch eyes.

Even shown all this love, he still can't crack a smile for the camera.

       Poor Bubs stayed home sick today.  He had a fever through the night and laid around most of the morning.  When I got home from work he put his backpack on ready to go to school.  He was heartbroken when I told him, "No."  Good thing because just a couple of hours later his eyes drooped, his nose started running and the fever was back. His big sister wanted to try to make him feel better so she created in the kitchen.  It was cute; she made him a snack, served him water, and set up a tray so it was within his reach.  He was so lethargic and not his usual happy self...he didn't even touch his snack.  I sure hope to have my cutie boy back to normal soon! It's no fun being sick! 

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