Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11, 2011

Adios Spring Break (for the kids that is. . .)
In an effort to end Spring Break with a bang, we decided to take a little road trip. . .
to crash Grandma and Grandpa's getaway in Palm Desert.  They had 
graciously extended an invitation to everyone, but with Saturday's competition 
and the kids resuming school today, Sunday was the only day we could squeeze it in and I'm so glad we did!
All dressed and ready to go.

Thirty minutes into the trip...this warning occurred.

Thankfully, I had many mini-mechanics on board to save the day!

Enjoying the view along the way.

Slide Time
 Once there, we quickly changed into our swimming gear and headed down to the pools.  This was the first one that we encountered, and I don't think we left it.  Most of the afternoon was spent going down the slide with as many willing adults as possible: uncle, aunt, Grandma, Grandpa, Nina, Nino, Mom...I have proof of all the above but was forbidden to post them on the blog.  I will honor their requests: ) 
There was also a great one foot deep pool that the baby could enjoy...
Back at the room, Grandma prepares to barbecue.

Look who spent more time on the road than at the resort. What a man! Love him!

Dinner Time

Followed by dessert.

Besides eating Mom's barbecue, and my man walking through the door after a long day at work, this might have been my favorite part of the night.  Grandpa with his guitar, playing so much his fingertips hurt.  That means, he needs to play more often so that doesn't happen.  I love how the kids watch him and dance and they sometimes make up silly songs--those are the moments I cherish.  Maybe because I remember car rides with my dad after school where my brother and I made up silly songs that I can still recount today.  
I hope my kids remember these moments too. 
At the end of the night, after a couple broken hearts that they could not spend the night because they had school today, we headed home.  Anjalene led us in prayer so that we would make it home safely; I followed the truck and ten minutes into the ride, the older kids were knocked out! The baby took a little longer but by the time we got home all three were asleep and stayed asleep as they were placed in their beds.  What a great ending to their Spring Break and a beautiful beginning to mine!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, what little sweeties! Looks like a wonderful excursion.


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