Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011

Because some days you just want to lounge around and relax. . .
snacking on bon bons cereal.

Because don't you know?
I deserve it!!

Speaking of being deserving. . . I want to tell you about a group that has changed my life. The Good Morning Girls have groups all over the globe.  My group consists of four friends who have inspired and encouraged each other with scripture on a daily basis for a little over a year now.  Click on the link to read more about how these groups came about and what they do.

Anyways, it's really through my heart being changed through my daily bible reading and reading the encouraging blogs of people like Courtney and Sally that everything about my life seemed to come together and flourish. My wings are spread and I am flying.I even ventured to my first Sally's conference where I knew no one.  Since that day I have had it on my heart to do a book club with the first book I read that I grew so much from Mission of Motherhood--I even bought the DVD's to accompany it because I have no idea where or how to get this thing started.

And wouldn't you know, God is right there leading the way because guess what the Good Morning Girls are going to be reading starting in May?  Ministry of Motherhood!!!  I just happened to have purchased it at the Whole Heart conference and am so excited to be a part of it and glean inspiration for what I might be able to do with Mission of Motherhood in the future.  It's always His plan for us, isn't it?  Love that!

If you visit Courtney or Sally you will see that they are offering a book giveaway and I'm so excited to be reading this together that I offered to donate a book to Courtney's site as well--I am that excited about this opportunity for all of us to learn and grow together!!!! Just stop by and leave a comment here and enter to win!!!
If you're interested in joining our Good Morning Girls group, which resumes in May, and is reading this awesome book, leave me a comment or email--we would LOVE the opportunity to grow together in His word!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have read Sally Clarkson's, Mission of Motherhood and it was wonderful. As a wife & homeschool mom of 8, I'm excited to read Ministry of Motherhood! I've only recently learned of the Good Morning Girls book club and I'm so interested and curious how it works.


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!