Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19, 2011

"Bubs, what was the best part of your birthday?"

I couldn't agree more!
I didn't get pictures of the Star Wars cupcakes he took to school today. . .and no, I didn't make them myself.  Sam's Club came in handy since I had to go to jury duty today--
which also interferred with my ability to take pictures of his class celebration. 
However, he was happy to pick out his own ice cream cake with Dad.
Grandma and Grandpa helped to celebrate.
Uncle and cousin sent lots of birthday love--plus a special message from Auntie B.

Nino and Nina hung out and had some cake with us too...and there's that cute cousin again.
and we can't forget about the twins.
A low key celebration filled with a lot of love made everything
about this birthday the best!
The gifts were a nice added bonus.
Hard to believe these two guys are two years apart now. . .
I think they are identical in heighth.

Just goes to show that the little things mean so much.  Legoland was his gift plus a set that we bought him there...but he didn't ask for anything today--he had to be coersed into opening the couple gifts he had because he was having a good time playing.
I love that he thanked us for the best birthday ever...because honestly, there was such little work involved I almost feel guilty taking credit for anything...

Now, I need to write his birthday letter--I do this every year and keep them in a box for him when he's grown.   I highlight some of the events of our year, milestones, memories I want to hold on to and whatever else is put on my heart to say.
Today, everything about the day was perfect.

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