Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 25, 2011

Today was an AWESOME day!
Actually, I'm beginning to see the awesomeness of every day, 
a little more each day.
Does that make sense to anyone except me?

My Big girl went to her first eye exam.
She needs reading glasses.
Doesn't surprise me, the voracious reader she is.
She's excited.  She will be just like mom.
I hope she does a better job of wearing hers when she is supposed to than I do.

Then a young neighbor came for a visit.
I hadn't seen her since February.
We had a great talk.
We talked about family, faith and the path she is on.
She needed to talk and I happy to listen.
Sometimes teenagers don't want to put it all out there,
so the fact that she was opening up meant a lot to me.

So then I headed to the park with some of the neighborhood kids.
I played HORSE and won!!  My arms are aching now.!~
My 5-year-old took this because I was a little busy playing. . .and winning!

I saw a woodpecker with the prettiest red hair standing on the top of his head and pointed it out to the kids.  Then we moved about the park trying to get a picture.
Obviously, as you can see--we didn't.

I started the above post and then was interrupted by a knock at the door.
It was my neighbor returning a dish--the one whose wife was in need of a liver transplant.

He was busy complimenting my cooking when I asked how his wife was.
"She passed away."
lid dropped.. .shattered glass...shattered hope...shattered hearts
I was not expecting that--I prayed fervently when I had heard she took a turn for the worse.
I fully expected there to be a miracle.  I did.
I couldn't let myself believe any different.
But it was her time. Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Her hope and her future are in heaven where her body is healed.
She is finally free from pain. 
She is dancing with angels with her daddy (who died almost two years ago).
She is dancing in heaven with her Daddy
who freed her from suffering and made her whole again.

So, although this post didn't go the way I thought it would--
the day was still filled with a lot of awesome: inspiring or displaying awe.
The neighbors came out and offered condolensces.
The neighborhood kids hugged her kids, hugged her husband.
Offers to help in any way possible were abundant.
This man who had just lost his wife, the mother of three young children, offered all of us his faith. 
He will draw his strength from there.
And I will hold onto the awesomeness of each moment in all it has to offer.

Please keep this family in your prayers, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I visit your blog today and I think you had an very interesting day. You did the fun moments and then help another with the sad moments; that is a good day for sure.
    Blessings to you!
    Check my site Living Waters by LeAnn


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