Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24, 2011

So I wrote about my girl's broken heart yesterday. . .and at the turn of a key, leaving for work, an old but familiar song was playing on the radio. I remembered back to 7th grade when Mr. Lamb used to have us analyze songs on Friday's I think it was. We would read the lyrics, listen to the music, and then go line by line to decipher its meaning. 

Having grown up around the music of my dad, I enjoyed hearing familiar songs that all of a sudden sprang to real life because I understood them, in all my seventh grade wisdom about all the life I had lived. I loved this weekly activity and always looked forward to it.

Hearing "Cat's in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin first thing in the morning, after having written about those cherished moments with my girl on Saturday night when I tucked her in--almost made me cry. Tears sprang to my eyes and I had to hold them back. I couldn't even call my best friend and have our daily morning conversation on the way to work--I was deep in thought; prayer actually.

I thought instead of posting a picture I would share the lyrics that as Harry said, "scare him to death." Hug your kids, look in their eyes, listen when they speak, laugh, love, and play with them. They will model what they see. . .and time slows down for no one.

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