Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

Saturday night was an emotional one for my girl.  
She finished her dance season.
The banquet and awards assembly was way cool!
They had a Hollywood theme.

This year I remembered to have her take a picture with her parents.

One together would have sufficed. . .sigh. Oh well!

This is one of my favorites.  
She was hugging her dad because 17 was his lucky number and it won her one of the biggest trophies they had earned.  
Another moment I wish I had captured on film was when dad comforted her after she started crying realizing that she isn't coming back to the team. 
She didn't want to be photographed.  Can't say I blame her.
A memory I'll hang onto forever was when I tucked her in.
Poor little thing had cried her eyes out and her nose was stuffy to boot.
"It's like a piece of my heart is breaking," she cried clinging to my neck.
Unfortunately, I know it's not the last time she will feel this way in life.
I just held her and played with her hair.
She has been asking me to do that for so long now and I just hadn't taken the time. 
Her broken heart made me take notice.  

"I'm so glad God picked you to be my mommy. I love you past heaven and all the way back," she said to me.
Lord, what on earth did I do to deserve those words?
This moment I will cling desperately to when my tongue wants to snap, when I want to be selfish and put my wants before theirs, or when I'm just too busy running circles that I don't notice what they need.
Lord, let me remember this moment.
Let me be who they need me to be.

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Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!