Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011

I had a little thinking and writing to do today.  I must admit I had the prime opportunity to do so since the kids stayed after school for a science camp, the baby took a really late nap, and our cleaning ladies beautified the house like they have been doing bi-weekly for the past month now.  Plugging them into the budget has saved me from the constant criticism of myself.  I think when I went part time I had this grand vision of what life would be like--how much more time I was going to have to enjoy the kids because I was going to be getting so much more done since I wasn't working full time.  Um, yeah. . .not so much.

Let's just say that wasn't exactly how it turned out.  We added another baby to the mix; the growing kids have outside activites which demand me to be in certain places at specific times, and honestly, sometimes the more time I seemed to have--the more I wasted it, and then wondered where it went.  Have I mentioned the laundry?  I know, you moms can relate. . .

So, I wrote a mission statement and I've outlined three specific goal to keep me in check.

First, I will keep to a schedule: Monday I will menu plan and shop; Tuesday: I will clean the toilets and wiped down the bathrooms, Wednesday I will wash and PUT THE LAUNDRY AWAY!!!  Thursday I will dust, and Friday  I will do the floors.

Next, I will continue with simplifying the clothes and closet situation--I will get rid of what doesn't fit or what they won't wear for whatever reasons and only buy necessary items.  We have too much stuff and this stuff creates mess and clutter and I'm not going to tolerate it anymore!

I will keep our home environment peaceful by limiting the outside influence of too much television.  We will listen to more music, reading more books aloud, or having our reading time together, and continuing to read our family bible at night--trying not to rush through it.  I will keep my prayer candle burning in my kitchen and reminders on my wall that my purpose is to serve my family with a loving heart.  I will forgive myself when I fall short of any of this because I know it's going to happen--that's a given. . .and I'll try again.

This is all very doable because I bit the bullet and have help now--these women help me do the things that weren't getting done nearly often enough--the fans, the shutters, the closet full length mirrors, and the showers.  I felt a little guilty at first, but now I'm just thankful my husband sees the benefit and I feel much more confident that the big jobs are getting done--not only when we have company.

But let's face it, if I sit back and do nothing for two weeks at a time, life will be chaotic.  I don't do well in chaos.  My mission is to have a happy, loving, comfortable home all the time.  Every day chores can create extraordinary blessings for my family. I just have to work on the happy heart part of it. . .all the time.

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean

Raising Homemakers

1 comment:

  1. "continuing to read our family bible at night"--Like this idea. I do it at breakfast since kids are a captive audience, but would be great to add in the evening when my husband is home. Can you explain the specifics of your system? Thanks.


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