Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011

So, life was a good busy last week since it was the kid's last week of school.
I took a day off to head to the Los Angeles Zoo on Wednesday with Bubba's kindergarten class.
It was their culminating activity after their study on animals.
June gloom was in full effect.
We had a soft mist upon our arrival.

This is my favorite picture of all.  
Notice how the young girl has the map and the boys are in the front leading the way.  
It starts young, doesn't it?
All the chaperones got a kick out of this one.
They were trying to get us to the giraffes, which we found eventually.
No thanks to the boys, let me tell you.
Didn't flamingos used to be pink?  
These were orange.  
Still pretty, but orange.
Told you we found them.
Observing the elephants was a treat too.
It must have been the cooler weather, but the animals were out and playful for once.
Two years ago when I went with Lene's class they were sleeping in the extreme heat.
I'd take the cooler weather any day.
We had to walk quite the distance to go back to the machine that turned your penny into this.
Bubs complained the whole way, but every time I suggested forgetting about it, he reluctantly continued.
All in all, a great excuse for a day off for me.
My eighth graders are getting restless.
They don't promote until this Friday.
I have a feeling it will be a long, but fun week with them.

1 comment:

  1. looks like the kids had a wonderful time! being a former teacher, i LOVED field trips and always LOVED the parents that came along :) great job momma :)


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